Pocket DiabetiCare's purpose really is derived from the findings of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). Pocket DiabetiCare is meant as a tool to allow patients review blood sugar logs and analyze this data.
Installing Pocket Diabeticare
You can install Pocket DiabetiCare using the Newton Connection Kit for Macintosh or Windows, or using Newton Package Installer
Starting Pocket Diabeticare
Tap Extras, and then tap DiabetiCare.
Overview of Pocket Diabeticare
When you first launch Pocket DiabetiCare, you will see a splash screen then what is called the main overview screen. This screen will eventually list all of your blood sugar readings.
Registering Pocket Diabeticare
Make sure you have the Register.pkg installed onyour Newton. At the main overview, tap the infomation button. (The one with a large letter "i") Select the Register menu item. Fill in the program, amount, card type, credit card number, expiration date and tap the envelope icon and choose mail. If you aren't using NewtonMail or LunaMail then you will have to copy the text of the mail message into your hosts email program. Tap the "Show Text" button in the email slip. It is only 10 lines and it isn't very long. Retype the data exactly as it appears in the email message. (Your credit card information is converted into a text string so that prying eyes won't get it.) If you rather not retype the e-mail message you can select the text and copy it to the NotePad. Then the next
time you synch with your desktop machine you can copy the message from the Newton Connection Kit to your host email system. Then send the email message to sales@kagi.com. Kagi sends OrcaWare a notice that you have paid and OrcaWare will send you a disk with a version of Pocket Diabeticare that will not expire after 45 days.
Add a reading
If you would like to enter blood sugar data, go to the main overview screen. Tap the Add button at the bottom of the screen. This will open the reading screen. You can enter your blood sugar reading information. When you are done, tap the OK button at the bottom of the screen. Your new reading should appear in the main overview . (Depending on the filter you have selected.)
Change a reading
If you want to change blood sugar data, go to the main overview screen. Find the reading that you want to change and tap it. This will open the reading screen. You can enter your changes now. When you are done, tap the OK button at the bottom of the screen. The changes will now take effect.
Delete a reading
If you want to remove a blood sugar data, go to the main overview screen. Find the reading that you want to remove and tap it. This will open the reading screen. You can tap the Remove button at the bottom of the screen. The entry will be removed.
Chart the readings
If you would like to see a chart of blood sugar readings, go to the main overview screen. Tap the Chart button at the bottom of the screen. This will open the chart screen. Any readings greater than zero will be plotted. (This is to avoid charting the non-blood sugar readings.) This chart will vary due to the filter you have selected.
Remove several old readings
If you have several old entries that you want to remove or you want to remove all of you entries, go to the main overview screen. This is permanent - make sure you want to do this. Find the action button. (That's the one that looks like an envelope) Tap the Trim readings menu option. Select the cutoff date and time you wish to delete readings prior to. Tap the Remove Readings button and the readings will be eliminated.
Add an insulin type
If you have a special insulin not listed, or you take a different type of medication for treatment, you can add it to Pocket DiabetiCare's list of insulin types. Find the action button. (That's the one that looks like an envelope) Tap the Add Insulin Type menu option. Enter the new insulin type and then tap the Add button. This should appear in the list on the reading screen the next time you go there.
Export readings to another computer
To upload your data to another computer, you will require a desktop computer with terminal emulation software and a serial cable to connect the PDA to the computer. On the desktop computer, set the desktop computer terminal program communication parameters to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. On the PDA, go to the main overview screen and tap the action button. (That's the one that looks like an envelope) Tap the Upload Readings menu item. At the desktop computer, enter DMP and hit the return key.
Sort the overview data
If you want to sort the overview data into Pocket DiabetiCare, go to the main overview screen. Tap the headings of the column you want to sort data by.
Filter out readings
You may eventually want to filter out older readings but not want to delete them or you may want to examine a particular type of reading. To do this, go to the main overview screen. Tap the Filter button at the bottom of the screen. This will open the filter screen. Select the particular view of events or date range that you want to see. This does not delete any data, it only ignores it when you display readings to the main screen or the chart. When you have selected your filter, tap the Set button.
Print readings
You will eventually want to print a report of your readings. To do this, go to the main overview screen. Find the action button. (That's the one that looks like an envelope) Tap the Print or the Fax menu options (depending on how you want the report) The reading log will be in a format very similar to the diabetes management logs given to patients by diabetes physicians. This report will always be created in date order regardless of the filter. However, you may use the filter to limit the number of days the report log spans.